Friday, October 21, 2011

Know Thyself!

We tend to blame others for things that happen in our lives that bring a not so pleasant feeling. I know I've been there several times. Kinda sounds like this:
"But you don't know what he/she did to me!"
"If it wasn't for him/her, I would be.....!"
So on and so forth. We must get to the growing stage in life where we understand and take responsibility for our lives. Anything that happens is either because we initiated it or we allowed someone or something to have their/its will in our lives. The life we live is based upon the decisions we make. So, let's be more conscious of our destiny that encompassed in our decision making.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Child In You!

How do you raise your spirit when you are feeling down? Do whatever you need to do! I was going through a serious challenge with a friend and it really had me feeling sad because I wasn't able to contact him to resolve the matter. So, I wanted to change....I picked up a cord and used it as a jump rope. It brought back so many childhood memories. Jump rope was something my sisters, cousins and I couldn't wait to do, especially on Saturday's when our families would come together for "Just Because" celebrations.

So if you feel down and out, bring out the child in you and I guarantee you will feel better in no time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If You Hate Your Job; Discover Your Passion and then Quit!

Do you love your job? If your answer is yes, that's wonderful. Then this means, you would do what you do even if there was no compensation? Right? If you answered no to the second question, that means you really don't love what you do. You may like it and it helps to make a means for you to live, but, I won't go any further with that. Where your heart is, there is also your treasure. Why? It gives you much joy and pleasure. You go out of your way to do or accomplished extra goals that may not be in your "job description". I know some people who literally HATE their jobs, but feel there in no way out because that is their means for livelihood. How sad. In this case I would say, find your passion, do the research and get whatever education you need in that area, while you are still working. Then began looking for work in that field, when you find it, and you will, leave as soon as you can. Nothing is worth doing if you hate it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Get Rid of Head Busy-ness!

As I slowed down the pace of my life to discover my inner peace, I began to enjoy the sound of nature even more. It almost feel as if I'm entering into my child like moments again....listening to the crickets, different sounds of birds chirping at my window early in the morning when I rise and late at night when it's time for me to rest. I've been out of the 9 to 5 rat race for many years, but I still had the business going on in my head. The stress, worry, etc. about things in life that just didn't need that much attention of thought. I had to began to focus on the true essence of my being and detach from my body of affairs..all the things outside of me. I am who I am no matter what happens in life. That's the beauty of getting to know self. Then peace is inevitable....and I handle situations with ease.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Atitude of Gratitude!

Holisticallyu is about every part of our being at peace. This all begins with our thoughts. That is the control center of how healthy we will be. First, let's get into the attitude of gratitude of that which we have right here and right now. If we are faithful over small things, then we can rule over the bigger blessings that come into our lives. It is the little things that are not little at all, we take for granted, like: breath, heartbeat, blinking of eyes and movement of our limbs without us even giving it a thought. That's where we should begin when it comes to being grateful.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Atmosphere of Peace!

Peace is a part of our inner being. It has no connection with our body of affairs. Therefore, we are fulfilled in knowing that we are wonderful no matter the circumstances that take place in our lives. Have you ever noticed that when you don't make a "BIG" fuss about challenges that arise in your life, you are able to come to a solution quickly? I know it works for me every time. This is perfect even at your place of employment. Creating an atmosphere of peace will allow you to get more accomplished with ease. You may have to take a few minutes before you leave work to clean your office or work area. When you return, everything is in a particular order where you can go right to what you need and get started immediately. You will be more productive and flow in peace during the course of the day, even if the unexpected happens. Why? You have everything in order. Order brings peace.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A New Me in Progress!

Well, this is a continuation to my previous blog, "A New You"! I mentioned I was tired of the same-o, same-o. So, I decided to put my business out there. I started my first day of consecration by eliminating bread from my eating regimen. Yesterday, anything that consisted of white flour products had to go. The bread was easy, but cakes, cookies, pasta, etc....a little more challenging. Today, Thursday, my third day, I turned my plate down completely. I'm drinking water with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to help detox my system. It's all good for me though, I desire to continue to walk in divine health (being free from prescription drugs since 1994-the year my son was born). I am in charge of my own health and take total responsibility. My work-out regimen include 4 days a week for at least 1/2 hour. I don't do gyms, so I go online for free workouts. Dance is something I love, so that's included in my workout. Anytime I do extensive cleaning in my front or back yard, I consider it a workout because it is just that.